Time-Saving Tips from Working Mom of Six and CEO
Learn how to say “no”, get organized, and multitask – learn more tips on working moms should feel no guilt embracing.
As a working mom, entrepreneur, and active small business owner, often we struggle with fitting everything in 24 hours. Growing expectations from our families, society, work environment require us to rethink our intentions, reposition our priorities and redistribute our efforts to be successful. Naturally, I am struggling with changing the way I think or work, but I would gladly accept advice from other inspirational women who seem to fit 30 hours into a 24 hour day. Here is what I found on Working Mother Blog recently – 16 Hacks from Working Mother from Emma Isaacs, founder and global CEO of Business Chicks.

1. Do it now. I try to never handle emails twice. When I read an email, I try to respond then and there and delete it.
2. Done is better than perfect. I gave up perfectionism a long time ago. I’m all about doing a quality job, but there are always corners to be cut.
3. Shorter emails are better. Effective writing is actually saying what you need to say in as few words as possible. Often the fewer words, the greater the impact.
4. No emails are better yet. Do you really need to send it? Can you shout out across the office? Or get up and actually talk to someone? Pick up the phone?
5. Outsourcing is where it's at. I get groceries delivered. When a kid gets sick, I use a telemedicine app where you dial up a doctor and have a video consult over your phone, and then they send the prescription to your closest pharmacy.
6. Dump the meetings. I’ll do anything to avoid ineffective meetings. The conversation generally expands to the time you have available, and so much time is wasted.
7. Do the worst first. My willpower is highest in the morning, so I tackle the hardest thing first. When it’s out of the way, it makes me feel good, and feeling good propels me to want to achieve more.
8. Make everything a game. When I was little, I’d play a game with my sister whenever we had to do the washing up. I’d look at the time and tell her, “OK, let’s get this done by 7:24 p.m.,” and we’d race to beat the clock. Nothing’s really changed.
9. Delegate. There are loads of reasons why people don’t delegate, and all are valid, but unless you find a way through them, nothing will change. Good leader learns how to effectively delegate. Seek joy in watching others achieve a task that was once yours. You’re giving a gift of empowerment, and that’s a beautiful thing.
10. Sit on your hands. Do not overestimate your abilities and time you can donate to do something for school, neighborhood fundraiser, or local church.
11. Pick what you're good at. While I’m useless at admin, you can always count on me to be there with class supplies or be the one to buy a great present on behalf of everyone for the teacher. It’s important for everyone to play to their strengths.
12. Control your environment. I choose carefully what I read and what information I absorb. I rarely watch television. I don’t spend a lot of time on social media, and it’s safe to say that I completely suck at Facebook. I’ll go there maybe once a week if something draws me in, but I don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what other people are up to.
13. Don't commute. A 2015 study conducted by Canada’s University of Waterloo discovered a direct correlation between commute time and well-being. The survey found that people with the longest commutes have the lowest overall satisfaction with life. I’ll do almost anything I can to avoid a commute. If you can, draw a seven-mile radius around your home and try to have all your regular activities fit in that circle.
14. Be a multitasking demon. Science tells us not to multitask, so let’s listen to that. We all get it: the tasks that require your full focus need to get your full focus. And I’m not for a second suggesting that you text and drive, or anything irresponsible like that. I am saying that if you’re in the hairdresser’s chair for two hours, make those two hours count.
15. Beware the charity coffee. We all get asked to have coffee and a chat. But you should be protective of your time and use it wisely. The quicker you cultivate the skill of saying no and protecting your time from nonessential business, the better.
16. Say no. A LOT. I turn down lots of things that just aren’t going to give me pleasure or help in any way. I guard my time above all else. Where I spend my time is always my No. 1 consideration.